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For a simple submission only at the main conference or the poster session, please go to You will be required to provide information for that submission. The reason is that there is a specific software for the review process of the main conference. Note that to be informed, benefit of the privileges of a subscription, and register on line, you have to suscribe also on the CONTEXT-05 Web site (i.e. this Web site).
For multiple submissions (e.g. the main conference and a workshop), you will be required to provide information (and submit) (1) at the main conference as said in the previous item, and (2) at the scientific event (a workshop, the doctoral consortium, the demonstration session as explained hereafter) :
The subscription on the CONTEXT-05 Web site is a three-step process.
The Organizing Committee apologizes for this situation and the confusion generated by this double subscription.
Note that if your paper is accepted in any of the events (conference, workshop, poster, etc.), one of the author will have to register at the conference on the CONTEXT-05 Web site.