Call for Papers |
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The Fifth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT'05) will provide a forum for presenting and discussing high-quality research and applications on context. The conference will include paper and poster presentations, system demonstrations, workshops, and a doctoral consortium. The conference invites researchers and practitioners to share insights and cutting-edge results from a wide range of disciplines including:
Artificial Intelligence | Cognitive Science |
Computer Science | Linguistics |
Organizational Sciences | Philosophy |
Psychology | Ubiquitous Computing |
Application areas such as Medicine and Law |
Context affects a wide range of activities in humans and animals as well as in artificial agents and other systems. The importance of context is widely acknowledged, and ``context'' has become an area of study in its own right, as evidenced by numerous workshops, symposia, seminars, and conferences on this area. CONTEXT, the oldest conference series focusing on context, is unique in its emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Previous CONTEXT conferences have been held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (CONTEXT'97), Trento, Italy (CONTEXT'99, LNCS 1688), Dundee, Scotland (CONTEXT'01, LNCS 2116), and Palo Alto, U.S.A. (CONTEXT'03, LNCS 2680). Each of these brought together researchers and practitioners from many disparate fields to discuss and report on context-related research and projects.
The following list illustrates sample research areas whose perspectives on context are solicited for the conference. This is not an exhaustive list, and contributions addressing context from other perspectives are welcome. The conference scope includes the contextual issues related to areas such as:
Analogy and Case-Based Reasoning | Autonomous Agents and Agent-based Systems |
Cognitive Modeling | Concepts and Categorization |
Context-Aware Applications and Systems | Databases |
Distributed Information Systems | Formal Theories of Context |
Heterogeneous Information Integration | Human Decision-Making and Decision Support Systems |
Human-Centered Computing | Human-Computer Interaction |
Information Management | Intelligent Tutoring Systems |
Intelligent User Interfaces | Intelligent/Semantic Web Systems |
Knowledge Engineering and Management | Knowledge Representation |
Language Understanding and Production | Learning |
Memory, Representation and Access | Multiagent Systems and Interagent Communication |
Neuroscience | Ontology Management |
Organizational Theory and Design | Perception |
Philosophical Foundations of Context | Problem Solving and Planning |
Reasoning | Relevance Computation and Relevance Theories |
Situated and Distributed Cognition | Ubiquitous Computing |
CONTEXT'05 will include paper presentation sessions, a poster and demonstration session, a day of workshops, and a doctoral consortium. Workshops and the doctoral consortium will circulate separate calls for papers and participation, which will also be available at the conference web site.
Because CONTEXT'05 will be an interdisciplinary forum, all submissions will be evaluated both for their technical merit and for their accessibility to an interdisciplinary audience. Works that transcend disciplinary boundaries are especially encouraged.
Submissions may be for full papers, poster abstracts, or demonstration abstracts. Full papers will be accepted either for oral presentation or for presentation at a poster session. All accepted full paper submissions will be published in the proceedings. Accepted posters and demonstrations will be presented at the poster session, and the associated abstracts will be published in a brochure distributed to attendees. For additional details see the conference web site.
For a paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must register for the conference by the deadline for camera-ready copy.
Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files. Submissions cannot exceed 14 pages in the Springer LNAI format. Detailed formatting and submissions instructions, as well as LaTeX and Word templates, will be available in the author instructions section of the conference Web site.
All accepted authors will have the option of presenting a system demonstration at the poster session. Authors wishing to present a demonstration without an accompanying paper must submit a demonstration abstract. Demonstration abstracts should describe cutting-edge systems not described in paper submissions. Demonstration abstracts should summarize the system's behavior and significance, and should include at least one screen shot. If desired, they may also include the URL of an informal video on the web. Demonstration abstracts should be at most 2 pages long.
CONTEXT'05 will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. This restriction does not apply to submissions for workshops and other venues with a limited audience.
Deadline for paper submissions | January 27, 2005 23:59 PST |
Notification of acceptance/rejection for paper submissions | March 21, 2005 |
Deadline for poster abstract and demonstration abstract submissions | April 7, 2005 |
Deadline for final versions of accepted papers | April 14, 2005 |
Workshop day | July 5, 2005 |
Main conference (including poster and demo sessions) | July 6-8, 2005 |
Conference Chair: | Roy Turner, University of Maine, USA |
Program Chairs: | Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon U., USA |
? | Boicho Kokinov, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria |
? | David Leake, Indiana University, USA |
Workshops Chair: | Elisabetta Zibetti, University of Paris 8, France |
Doctoral Consortium Chair: | Chiara Ghidini, Trentino Cultural Institute (ITC), Italy |
Organizing Committee Chairs: | Patrick Br?zillon, University of Paris 6, France (Chair) |
? | Charles Tijus, University of Paris 8, France (Co-Chair) |
? | Jean-Charles Pomerol, University of Paris 6, France (Co-Chair) |
Publicity Chair: | Aline Chavalier, University of Paris 8 and Paris 10, France |
Steering Committee: | Varol Akman, Bilkent University, Turkey |
? | Massimo Benerecetti, University of Naples, Italy |
? | Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento, Italy |
? | Patrick Br?zillon, University of Paris 6, France |
? | Chiara Ghidini, Trentino Cultural Institute (ITC), Italy |
? | Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento, Italy |
? | Boicho Kokinov, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria |
? | David Leake, Indiana University, USA |
? | Luciano Serafini, Trentino Cultural Institute (ITC), Italy |
? | Rich Thomason, University of Michigan, USA |
? | Roy Turner, University of Maine, USA |
? | Roger A. Young, University of Dundee, UK (Chair) |
Program Committee:
Agnar Aamodt, NTNU, NO | Varol Akman, Bilkent U., TR | ? |
Pekka Ala-Siuru, VTT, FI | Elena Andonova, New Bulgarian U., BG | ? |
Horacio Arlo-Costa, CMU, US | John Barnden, U. Birmingham, UK | ? |
Larry Barsalou, Emory University, US | Travis Bauer, Sandia Laboratories, US | ? |
Carla Bazzanella, U. Torino, IT | Michael Beigl, TeCO, DE | ? |
John Bell, U. London, UK | Massimo Benerecetti, U. Naples, IT | ? |
Jose Luis Bermudez, Washington U. St. Louis, US | Paolo Bouquet, U. Trento, IT | ? |
Patrick Brezillon, U. Paris 6, FR | Jay Budzik, Northwestern U., US | ? |
Roy Campbell, UIUC, US | Alberto Canas, IHMC, US | ? |
Cristiano Castefranchi, CNR, IT | Marcos Cavalcanti, Fed. U. Rio de Janeiro, BR | ? |
Guanling Chen, Dartmouth, US | Keith Cheverst, Lancaster U., UK | ? |
Kalina Christoff, U. British Columbia, CA | Tom Conlon, U. of Edinburgh, UK | ? |
Eros Corazza, U. Nottingham, UK | Joelle Coutaz, U. Joseph Fourier, FR | ? |
Valeria de Paiva, Xerox PARC, US | David de Roure, U. Southampton, UK | ? |
Christo Dichev, Winston-Salem U., US | Maria Ebling, IBM, US | ? |
Bruce Edmonds, Manchester Inst Tech, UK | Tim Fernando, Trinity College, IE | ? |
Anita Fetzer, U. Stuttgart, DE | Tim Finin, UMBC, US | ? |
Robert French, U. of Liege, BE | Hans-Werner Gellersen, Lancaster U., UK | ? |
Chiara Ghidini, ITC-irst, IT | Alain Giboin, INRIA, FR | ? |
Fausto Giunchiglia, U. Trento, IT | Mehmet Goker, PricewaterhouseCoopers, US | ? |
Avelino Gonzalez, U. Central Florida, US | Peter Graf, U. British Columbia, CA | ? |
Maurice Grinberg, New Bulgarian U., BG | Ramanathan Guha, IBM Research, US | ? |
Jerry Hobbs, USC/ISI, US | Robert Hoffman, IHMC, US | ? |
Jason Hong, CMU, US | Eric Horvitz, Microsoft, US | ? |
Patrick Humphreys, London Sch Econ & Pol Sci, UK | Bipin Indurkhya, Tokyo U of Ag and Tech, JP | ? |
Tony Jameson, DKFI, DE | Michael Kahana, Brandeis U., US | ? |
Kepa Korta, U. the Basque Country, SP | Guy LaPalme, U. Montreal, CA | ? |
Henry Lieberman, MIT MediaLab, US | Ramon Mantaras, Spanish Sci Res Council, SP | ? |
James McClelland, CMU, US | Javed Mostafa, Indiana U., US | ? |
Paddy Nixon, Strathclyde, UK | Rolf Nossum, Agder U. College, NO | ? |
Dana Pavel, Nokia, US | Maria Pimentel, U. of Sao Paolo, BR | ? |
Pearl Pu, EPFL, CH | Edwina Rissland, NSF, US | ? |
Thomas Roth-Berghofer, U. Kaiserslautern, DE | Daniel Salber, Indep. Consultant, NL | ? |
Albrecht Schmidt, U. Munich, DE | Luciano Serafini, ITC, IT | ? |
Eldar Shafir, Princeton U., US | Carles Sierra, Spanish Sci Res Council, SP | ? |
Barry Smyth, UCD, IE | Steffan Staab, U. of Karlsruhe, DE | ? |
Peter Steenkiste, CMU, US | Oliviero Stock, ITC-IRST, IT | ? |
John Sowa, SUNY Binghamton, US | Yasuyuki Sumi, Kyoto U., JP | ? |
Alice Ter Meulen, U. Groningen, NL | Rich Thomason, U. Michigan, US | ? |
Roy Turner, U. Maine, US | Elise Turner, U. Maine, US | ? |
Johan van Benthem, U. Amsterdam, NL | David Wilson, UNC Charlotte, US | ? |
Deirdre Wilson, UCL, UK | Terry Winograd, Stanford, US | ? |
Roger Young, U. Dundee, UK | ? | ? |
Please see for additional information on the conference, complete committee information, and contacts for questions.
Roy M. Turner